This innovative Tool was developed by CloudWare Technologies Nigeria(A leading Technological Solutions Provider in Africa)
CloudSMS is the leading BulkSMS and robocall Service Provider in Nigeria
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(10 Polling Booths ) Isiokwe police post (PU: 04/17/07/003)
Ogboli pry. school i (PU: 04/17/07/001)
Ogboli pry. school ii (PU: 04/17/07/002)
Ogboli pry. school iii (PU: 04/17/07/008)
Ogwugwu/isiokwe i (PU: 04/17/07/007)
Ogwugwu/isiokwe ii (PU: 04/17/07/010)
Ugwunobankpa/slaughter i (PU: 04/17/07/004)
Ugwunobankpa/slaughter ii (PU: 04/17/07/009)
Washington grammar school i (PU: 04/17/07/005)
Washington grammar school ii (PU: 04/17/07/006)